Brian Sal Corral is the Painter, Illustrator and Fine Arts Writer for everyone. After establishing myself as an American East Coast Artist I am now on my way to becoming a true International Artist. Follow my artist adventures as an American Artist in London.
For my first art show I am entering a flip book animation art exhibition, about the process/progression of my work from start to finish. I was so excited to start I had 3 ideas sketched in 10 minutes, then it hit me,” Where am I going to get a light box?” Presented here is my “Redneck Lightbox” (I’m from the South so I get to say that).
Materials: Clear flat plastic container at least 8cm deep (3in), Bendy desk lamp or torch (flashlight), Large piece of white paper, Cardboard box close to the same depth as the plastic container.
1. Dump out contents of a clear flat plastic container 2. Set the plastic container on the white piece of paper with the flat bottom side up and with several centimetres (inches) of paper out to one side 3. Set the light source to point into the container on the side with extra paper 4. Set the cardboard box on the opposite side from the light (this seems like it is not needed but you will thank me later)
Thanks to the BookArtShop in N1 London for hosting the d a u n m a n k i n o - t h u m b c i n e m a, exhibition!
QUEST: Visit 2 Museums, Art centres (centers) or Art events a month. (I am visiting 2 London venues a month, you should too!)
QUESTION: How do I find art events in London?
One of the benefits of living in London is the numerous high quality free museums, galleries, art centres and events. It is time to take advantage! A lot of information is available online, so I have below my TOP 3 list/calendar sites divided into 2 Categories: 1) All Around Lists 2) London Art List
Wozzon With a name like that you know it is going to be good. Wozzon’s best feature is its visual simplicity, and that is why I am listing it first. To many search sites become bogged down with information, and the user is lost before they have begun. The other benefit of using Wozzon is the extensive lists resulting from the self-customized search, including a word/subject search.
AllInLondon AllInLondon is probably the most frequented event search site. A query for an event or location of interest on a search engine almost always leads to AllInLondon The benefit of this site is the user reviews. No one wants to show up at the place "that guy" said was super just to find out "that guy" was NUTS.
LondonIsFree If you haven’t figured out why I like this site yet I will spell it out for you London is F-R-E-E. There are a couple of sites that list occasional free things to do under a pile of other options, but LondonIsFree is designed to make free, easy.
LondOnArt Art is actively flowing throughout London and LondOnArt is the way to find the best places to jump in. LondOnArt has and is gathering artists and art venues, who then post their work, events and “other things” for participation from artist and art lovers. One of the best and worst qualities of using this site to find out about events is its copious contributors and information. User should be prepared to filter through the first page(s) before finding that perfect pearl, but to much is better than to little.
Artlyst The Artlyst is thematically very much like LondOnArt, but they are newer and offer a more personal feeling for connecting with local artists. Additionally, the site is much easier to navigate.
ArtSlant A TOP 3 list of sites that are based off of artists and art venues would not be complete without ArtSlant. ArtSlant gives news on art events and artists in the great art cities of the world and helps connect artists with the contemporary art scene at large. This wonderful site only has one problem. It is so large that it is easy to miss the dirty underbelly of art where all of tomorrow’s great artist are waiting to slap you in the face and yell HEY IM AN ARTIST!
I am a strong believer in work before pleasure, and job interview 2 out of 10+ applications was a SUCCESS! Now I am free to be free with my painting and drawing. IT IS TIME FOR ART, London here I come! Well, actually I have been here a month already, but now it is action time, really. Each CV (resume) took hours because I am such an awesome Artist, Educator, Writer, Marine, Warehouseman, Fitness Guy, Mr. Fix It (jack of all trades master of none anyone). And if you think about it no one wants to know all that...except for this one post for the Art Technician for Ealing Hammersmith and West London College. As I took the tour last Thursday I kept thinking, “I would be perfect for this job”, Everything including all the fun extras that I usually remove from my “gigantor resume” to make a finalized resume will contribute. Knowing me I will be there more than the required 3 days a week, but this will still give me ample time for some art shows and exhibitions. Now lets go kick-up some art!
London offers an endless array of art experiences, and Brian Sal Corral is going to do them all. Enjoy insightful experiences and hopeful meanderings on future events as the Painter, Illustrator and Fine Arts Writer from America stumbles, explores and succeeds in the streets of London.