For my first art show I am entering a flip book animation art exhibition, about the process/progression of my work from start to finish. I was so excited to start I had 3 ideas sketched in 10 minutes, then it hit me,” Where am I going to get a light box?” Presented here is my “Redneck Lightbox” (I’m from the South so I get to say that).
Materials: Clear flat plastic container at least 8cm deep (3in), Bendy desk lamp or torch (flashlight), Large piece of white paper, Cardboard box close to the same depth as the plastic container.
1. Dump out contents of a clear flat plastic container
2. Set the plastic container on the white piece of paper with the flat bottom side up and with several centimetres (inches) of paper out to one side
3. Set the light source to point into the container on the side with extra paper
4. Set the cardboard box on the opposite side from the light (this seems like it is not needed but you will thank me later)
Thanks to the BookArtShop in N1 London for hosting the d a u n m a n k i n o - t h u m b c i n e m a, exhibition!
Cheers (Good luck)
Very different. Doesn't seem like something you would do but I'm sure it will turn out super. BTW, you somehow managed to miss the most amazing snowfalls I've ever seen in Roanoke. I know how sorry you are.